Luke 14:28-30 Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’
We will feed the Canadian church by doing the following three things:
- Promote biblical literacy undergirded by continuous prayer. Our children must know what the Bible says, what it means, and what it takes to access the promises God gives us..
- Create a community that looks and acts like heaven. We show our love for Jesus through the depth of the love we share with those around us. We bring who we are and what we have to a table of mutual acceptance, and cultural liberty that benefits everyone.
- We freely share the gospel of Jesus Christ while engaging secular life. Rather than emphasizing the things we can’t do, we use secular segments of God’s creation to bring Him glory and give our values expression in the world. We want to be net positive contributors in our communities.
When biblically literate people engage secular life, God’s reign is extended in society, and we all benefit. We have an opportunity to share Jesus’ gospel of salvation: People need inner healing, they are open to spiritual solutions, and we have a spiritual solution that has stood the test of centuries with proven effectiveness.
We will build resources sustainably by doing the following three things:- Own property for long term growth. A place of worship dedicated to God’s glory is important as a home base from which our continuing labor of love launches. It anchors the faith community.
- The economic mainstream is our core target. Increasingly they are disengaged from church, are hurting, and are often children of our own members. Our faith has solutions we must share more effectively with them. When such people meet God and understand how their economic activity can glorify Him, they will give of their increase to see His kingdom grow.
- We will have targeted financial investments. We will only invest in activities that line up directly with this vision. In feeding the Canadian church, it’s about Jesus transforming every area of peoples’ inner life by His Word. In global capacity, it’s about the saving power of Jesus empowering people to reduce spiritual and material poverty.
Our Bible teaches us to be good stewards of resources we’re blessed with, which can change nations.
We will develop global capacity built on the following approach: - We are going to have a world class digital presence. This is a low-cost way of engaging people across the globe with top quality content. It allows the transfer of organizational and other skills that equip people to transmit the gospel more effectively.
- We will support church communities in Canada or overseas as referred to us by members of our local church. They have deep personal knowledge of the receiving communities which will enhance the credibility of the work we do there.
- Our ministry model will be to replicate what we’re doing here: Feed Canada to Feed the World. We want to replicate giving communities who create tangible value for peoples’ inner lives which results in successful secular engagement, and then they become feeding sources for other communities.